Wendy Kennett-Brown
Counselling & Psychotherapy
in Ealing, Acton, West London

Frequently Asked Questions

How much commitment is required from me?

You need to commit to the therapy sessions on a regular basis for them to be effective.

How long does therapy last?

The duration of therapy will be discussed at the assessment, to decide whether short term counselling or longer term psychotherapy is indicated.

How does therapy end?

Ending well is important and discussed in therapy, to promote your onward journey. A months notice is required.

Do you work with people who have a serious mental illness such as schizophrenia?

No. It is more appropriate for them to be seen by a psychiatrist.

Face to Face or Online?

Face to face therapy is preferable, as it enables a deeper connection and understanding, through nonverbal communication. It is critical to build that initial rapport. However I recognise that circumstances and time constraints means that some sessions may be online.

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